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Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Flash Mob!

Who doesn't like a Queen rewrite?  Here is a video of my Kinders surprising our 5th grade buddies with a TCAP style Flash Mob:

What do you do to motivate State Mandated Testing weeks for the intermediate grades?

As a former intermediate teacher (5th grade), I know my kids LOVED getting stuff from their Kindergarten buddies.  Now that I'm back in primary {where I hope to say FOREVER}, I try to pay it forward.

Others in my school are jealous...hey, we all do what we can - I wouldn't want to test in the am & pm for 6 days, so I do my {little} part to make it special.  Plus, the Kindergarteners really respond to the idea of giving - we've shared a lot these 2 weeks with them and it's good to see how generous they are!

Keep rockin'

Miss Kristan King

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