Chalk ABC Background

Monday, August 12, 2013

In Living Color

Come on you know you watched it - well, maybe some of us did {I might be dating myself}!  I just had a vision of Fire Marshall Glen..."A g, g, was the second gunman, on the grassy knoll."  LOL (sorry if you don't get it - Google it)!!

Anyway - it's color week in Kindergarten.  In many classrooms as well as mine, we are doing a color dress-up for each day.  * I might have used this as an excuse to go shopping for some fun color clothes that I just NEEDED to have!*

I'm using the KinderLit Rainbow Book of Colors as my guide for the order.  What I love about this unit is it's literature/science based.  The kiddos listen to a book on a specific color each day & then get to make art/do science all about that color.  The books are very tactile so MY KIDS LOVE them, especially for back to school & practicing those fine motor skills {coloring, cutting, gluing, etc.}.

We kicked it off with a color sort - this anchor chart idea came from Abby's blog; however, I turned it into a anticipatory sort instead of adjective practice & used some fun crayon cut outs to make it stand out a bit.  I read Cat's Colors & then the kids sorted the 64 Crayola crayons into 6 piles {red, orange, yellow, green, blue, & purple}.  Then, I wrote the various crayon titles under each color:

We had just enough time after the sort to PAINT!  We decorated the front of our Rainbow Book of Colors with a RAINBOW {of course}.

For writing we completed the RED page using that Big Red dog - Clifford as our text.  Here are a few pics of the dogs they created using a 1/2 sheet of red construction paper & LOTS of creativity:

On a side note, KinderLit books are great at teaching the kiddos the art of collage & using shapes to make other shapes.  We talked about how Clifford's body was an oval and his legs rectangles.  I encourage the students to use ALL the white space but NOT to cover the words - so it can be read at home to practice color words.

I plan to color mix after reading Mouse Paint & do a Milk Experiment from Kristen.  I am also going to do a disappearing science experiment, graph & write about favorite colors thanks to Cara's freebie...loving all the inspiration from you bloggin' peeps!!

Hope your weeks are as colorful as mine!

Miss Kristan King

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