We love to "teacher talk" and of course we're close. We share bargains, blogs we love, books {only education related once, because my sister DOESN'T READ - unless it's work related!}, center/station ideas, units we love from TpT, craft ideas, the list is endless.
Well 2 years ago, my sister came to CO to visit my Grandma as she was passing away. My school year was ending & she helped me get through my end-of-year checklist amidst funeral arrangements & grieving.
While moving my room she noticed my cinder block bookshelf - she was amazed at how simple & cheap it was. The shelf cost me about $75 and it was all purchased at Home Depot. When you consider how many bookshelves it would take to hold a classroom library - you are probably talking about $600 worth of shelving. My simple cinder block shelving holds my ENTIRE library & folks, it is extensive because I have an ADDICTION to books!
Well, my sister's been talking about wanting to make a similar shelf but you all know how the end & beginning of the year are...CHAOS! She kept putting it off & reusing her old beat up shoe racks. Finally this year she took the plunge and here's the outcome:
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Her listening center will fit on this low shelf, books/CDs stored underneath. |
5 pre-made cabinet shelves
28 cinder blocks
1 table saw {used to cut 4 of the 5 boards}
She is so excited - all her books fit & the "too high" 3rd shelf will hold books that other teachers use on a regular basis. She will be making 1 more to hold her books & teaching supplies for guided reading groups!
The cost for her 5 shelves was $135. Once again, WAY cheaper than purchasing bookshelves & putting them together!
Happy Shelving,
Miss Kristan King
I remember that my parents had "shelves" like that growing up! I am thinking it may be just the thing for the wreck I have going on in my basement right now..;)