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Monday, September 17, 2012

Constitution Day

God Bless...

The eagles were done with a parent volunteer - I am thankful, but she allowed the children to cut their bald heads rather than paper tear them :(.

Are you required asked to teach Constitution Day on 9/17?

I am.

From my district- actually, our Board of Education - they want detailed plans.

It's not that I mind, I love the U.S.A. - it's just this day falls in the middle of our fall, leaves, pumpkin, scarecrow extravaganza and I always struggle to "fit it in."

Well, this year I'm singin' a different tune...I purchased Deanna Jump's America packet from TpT and have no fear!!!  {It is a 2 week unit, 1/2 I saved for Constitution Day/Week & the other 1/2 I plan to revisit in Feb. for President's Day.}

I read various books on bald eagles, the American Flag, the Liberty Bell, the Statue of Liberty, & of course - We the Kids.  Then each day we listened to various songs about America: {which my students noted, sounded like "church" music - because it was sung by a choir, LOL!} "Star Spangled Banner," "America the Beautiful," "This Land is Your Land," etc.

My students loved making their American symbols book & they really loved doing the penny/Statue of Liberty foot measuring experiment too (see my scarecrow post for a glimpse of the foot in our hallway).  And, I was really impressed with their directed drawings of Lady Liberty.

To cap off the week, we watched a few ol' school - School House America Rocks clips:

Hope this helps you with your American symbols/Civics/History units {I am getting excited for an Election unit in Nov. from posting these clips!}.

Stand Beside Her, and Guide Her Through the Night with a Light from Above,

Miss King

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