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Monday, January 9, 2012

Snow Fantastic

Thanks to all my blogger peeps - shout out to Deanna Jump for her snow globe freebie...check out our cool globes.

An ice skating snow globe - don't you love her picture?  She described doing "ballet" on the ice!

Building an ice castle

Going snowboarding - she criticized her drawing, as if!!

A snow igloo!

Building a snowman, with a ceret carrot nose!

Thanks to all my blogger friends - the secret to my success {no clean-up, just use outside}!

My curriculum is pretty structured for writing {Every Child a Writer} but I modified the activity & writing paper - most of my students can write 3-6 sentences for a personal description.  So, now our focus is on "juicy words" and adding noun modifiers.

Can anyone else out there use a snow day?!?!  "snow, Snow, SNOW - deeper, Deeper, DEEPER!" {This is the chant I teach my kiddos} let's hope it works & soon!

1 comment:

  1. Snow cute! Sorry, I couldn't resist a little pun.:) I love seeing the fun things they do- and it also gives me a better idea of where Josie should be. We are focusing on grammar, spelling and writing this semester. Pray for success!
