Living the dream at Marley Park in Kinder, year 3!
New team, POSITIVE bunch, & in my *humble* opinion - 4 is the magic number. 4 on a team has been AMAZING.
Keeping on with the awesome, Mon. we had a major setback at "the Park" but in the words of Elphaba and a favorite musical Wicked " can't bring me down!"
So my "team" AKA "band - The Marley Misfits" proceeded to ROCK OUR SCHOOL! None of us had experience as musicians, song writers, assembly prep., getting ahold of PR for our district, knowing copyright laws, ...basically we all took BIG steps into the unknown.
For.The.KIDS. - that's why! We delved into a new reading program (One School. One Book. or Read to Them), to transform our literacy night. You see, we've done Dr. Seuss for 14+ years & while he's a great author, there was minimal participation & enthusiasm for our Literacy Night event.
So, I discovered One School. One Book. & presented it to our principal. She proceeded to get ALL.THE.THINGS! Books ordered, vendors approved, assemblies, time to present, & calendar events...she was AMAZINGLY supportive.
Then San Diego GYTO transformed our Literacy Night roll-out into a rock themed EXTRAVAGANZA! I was challenged to Rock Your School on 9/20/18. I was thinking small, my room, my team, sharing with 1st grade (my sister). Shawn, my sister & colleague in 1st, dropped the mic when she suggested a Whole School Roll Out, Rock Themed on 9/20! Game.CHANGER.

From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU: Lori, Sam, Jenna, Bonnie, Genera, Amanda, Brittany, Lisa, Kellie, Jessica, Carin, & *especially* Shawn (it was YOUR big idea that ignited the spark)...which led to:
And thanks Ryan for the amazing recording session, video, and PR/photos - you made us look good, and despite being REALLY out of my comfort zone, you required us to follow copyright, push ourselves, and keep going despite embarrassment (or potential embarrassment). You followed through with all your promises and you helped us make and capture remarkable memories for our K-8 students!
If you haven't pushed yourself, gotten *REALLY* uncomfortable, and tested the bounds of your creativity...let me encourage you
Your kids won't disappoint - they will appreciate your efforts. I can't lie, there was a moment of disappointment in our assembly...but when those 6-8th graders were caught reading & humming the chorus of our video hours later, all that frustration dissolved. The.KIDS.ARE.READING. - which was in fact the WHOLE purpose for the assembly & program.